
These are opportunities to serve in church

Everybody’s welcome!

Praise &

Worship Team

Our call to worship originates from the kind of vessels God formed us to be. Our expression to worship through song comes as we walk with God daily and experience Him intimately. Every week we prepare an atmosphere that allows our members to worship God freely through song for He deserves it in every way! Our team constantly lays to use its talent that the house of God may be edified.

Young Couples

God’s heart for families as expressed in His Word is that they may express Christ and the Church, and that they may bring up Godly offspring. Our fellowship around young families builds strong bonded marriages as a foundation for strong Christian families and live a faithful Godly influence on the next generation under our Lord Jesus Christ’s stewardship.

Guidance & Counselling

PCEA Sukari offers both Pastoral Counselling and Psychosocial Counselling under the Guidance and Counselling Department.

Our Pastoral Counselling has gone a notch higher, from the traditional religious and Spiritual Counselling to pastoral psychotherapy which integrates theology and the behavioral sciences. This is either offered by the Pastoral Team or a Team of professionals under the Guidance and Counselling Department in the Church.